Sunday, November 20, 2011

Cell Organelles

Our bodies are made up of BILLIONS of cells.
-Cells make up tissues, which make up organs, which make up organ systems.

A cell is made up of tiny structures called ORGANELLES, which each have special functions that contribute to the overall cell. Plants and animals have slightly different organelles. (remember, that humans have animal cells, because we are technically animals).

Below is a labeled animal cell diagram:

 And a plant cell:

Don't be alarmed that you see different kinds of cell diagrams- there are tons of ways to draw cells, so just pay attention to the overall structure of each organelle!

Now what do these organelles do?

1. Nucleus: This is found in both plant and animal cells. The nucleus is known as the "control center" of the cell, basically  controlling all cell functions. This is where DNA is found (more specifically, DNA is found inside the NUCLEOLIS, which is inside of the nucleus.)

2. Cell membrane: Also found in plants and animals. The cell membrane is selectively permeable, meaning that it selectively lets molecules into and out of the cell. The membrane is most likely to let in smaller molecules. Found in plants and animals.

3. Mitochondria: Known as the "power house" of the cell- this is where energy is made for the cell in the form of ATP. Found in plants and animals.

4. Golgi Apparatus: This is where molecules (such as proteins) are packaged and sent out of the cell. So, the golgi apparatus (also known as golgi body) is kind of like a post office. Found in plants and animals.

5. Ribosome: This is where proteins are made (as we will learn, through transcription and translation). Found in plants and animals.

6. Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum: This is where proteins are altered (so, sugars are added and the proteins are folded) so that they are ready for the body's use. From the rough endoplasmic reticulum, proteins are packaged in vesicles and sent out of the cell to be used by the body. Found in plants and animals.

7. Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum: This is where lipids (also known as fats) are made. Found in plants and animals.

8. Vacuole: This is where food, water, and wastes are stored. It is found in both plants and animals, but is MUCH bigger in plants.

9. Lysosome: This is where food is digested, or where poisons are broken down. Found in plants and animals.

10. Cell wall: This is a rough outer surface of PLANT cells only. This is the reason why when you touch a stem it feels hard. The cell wall provides support for the plant.

11. Chloroplast: This is where photosynthesis occurs. It is found only in PLANT cells!

Here is a video that takes you through a tour of the cell!

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